A BSC BEP-20 token.
A meme coin of Vitalik.
Vitalik, the man who build a new world.
The price mainly locked with ETH on LP to tracked the price of ETH
Contract adress:0x09c8a367766b98a3fd8827106d9804a87202b098
Circulation value at the time of listing: 2400 usd (the same as eth price at listing time)
Circulation Nuber: 1 (Decimals:8)
Listing Date: 30th May 2021
Listing on PancakeSwap
Token distribution:
60% locked with ETH
20% locked with MABI
10% locked with BNB
10% airdrop to the holder of VGOD(Maybe I won’t operate this token anymore. I’m still considering)